


YWP Alumni


  • Summer Would-Have's

    It's summer now, 
    & if we were in school
    All the girls would be wearing 
    skimpy tank tops and too-short shorts
    scraps I could never imagine pulling off
    & the boys would have an excuse
  • Chasing the Sun

    He floated away
    One golden dusk
    Watching the sunset
    Mute the colors
    Dreading the night
    Afraid of the monsters that emerge
    When smoky grays and purples
    swallow his world
    Choosing to blaze right alongside
  • The Track We Are On

    Gold is slipping down the horizon
    As I sit, alone, in this metal chair
    Gulping down dusk's nectar breath
    Admiring Mother Earth from my yard

    A sprinkler puddle shimmers, catching my eye
    Soft breezes dance past, ticking my neck
  • Melting

    I feel alive when you look at me
    every hair standing on end
    breath trapped inside my body
    Waiting for what you say next

    I am chocolate melting in the face of the sun
    the smallest particles of my body freed
  • Feeling Like A Shellfish

    I feel like a shellfish
    Complaining about
    my smooth, safe shell
    how I swoop with the currents
    after a turtle knocks me over
    trying to remove the suffocating
    clear, dead jellyfish
    clutching its throat
    while there is bedlam