


18 years old


  • My heart lives

    My heart lives in a small state,
    where autumn is the color of fire and the mountains are green.
    My heart lives in a yellow house,
    with a red screen door and a backyard jungle nurtured by my mom.
  • passing

    I have been thinking lately,
    that I am growing old.
    The years are passing in the blink of an eye.
    I am growing older and nothing much changes,
    Just the way I think about you.
  • What I Love

    The smell after it rains
    Dogs who smile when they are happy
    People who make me laugh
    The view from the top of a tall mountain
    Drawing for hours and hours
    Getting lost in a good book
  • all my life

    All my life,
    I love you was said,
    when leaving and when wishing someone well.
    It was normal,
    Love you lots and your name at the end of the letter.
    Love you when saying goodbye for a while.
    Love you when saying good night.

  • Flow

    The words that flow from my mind.
     Full of wanting and hoping.
      Full of anger and heart break.
       Poems about you and past loves,
    who never glanced my way.
     Full of fears of the unknown.