16 years old


  • How do I hate you?

    I hate you,

    I hate the way you make me feel,

    and the way you talk to me.


    I hate how you look at me,

    like no one else is in the room.


    I hate how when I sit next to you,

  • Colorblind

    Green is my favorite color,

    It's the color of the life on earth,

    the color of the natural beauty everywhere.


    I couldn't live without green,

    I think you are my green,

  • Am I his?

    He says he's mine,

    but am I really his?


    Should I push these feelings aside and let him in?

    Is their some kind of line that decides if I'm his?


    Is this right?

    do we really fit?

  • Napkins

    Someone new is trying to hold me,

    it's so foreign,

    they are trying to take your place it seems,

    but I think that's exactly what I need,

    to look beyond this misery.


    I feel confused,

    am I happy?


  • Dream

    You look like a poem 

    I wrote at night 

    the stars are trapped inside 

    those eyes of yours 

    and I can't seem to look away 

    You look like a poem 

    I wrote at night 

  • Round and round

    We keep going around in circles.

    Endless do you like me and what should we talk about,

    Endless pretending there is no tension in our texted phrases.

    Never really understanding how we ended up here,

  • nevermind, then.

    and the pale pink is fading from the morning sky

    the same way the words from the song i sang about you

    under my misty-cold breath

    died on my lips. i wonder if i would've waited forever,

  • Crashing

    There are so many things in this world.

    So many things I could write about.

    Love, frilly, pink, soft

    Cloudy, foggy, angelic,

    With jagged edges, the heartbreak that threatens your world,

  • Please

    Please, can't you say it?

    I'm tired of guessing.

    Why skip around the truth

    Rather than outright admitting it?

    We dance like fireflies

    Flying around

    Not hitting the mark

    But making a dent