


18 years old


  • Taoism


    Where one seeks enlightenment by shutting off their emotions 

    But how will that lead to enlightenment 

  • words


    They hold power

    Like a gun 

    But it’s our voices that give them power

    Words are an unloaded gun

    And our voices are the bullets 

  • Hardships


    It’s a path to salvation 

    And to demise 

    If you rise or fall

    Is up to you 

    Will you always be stuck in this swamp

  • Air conditioner

    A holy item in the summer

    Forgotten in the winter

    Able to save a house from the suns attacks

    An item that many wish they had

    And those who have them take it for granted 
  • Time

    Time is endless 

    It’s a river that continues forever 

    It is slow

    But fast enough to pass you when your not looking

    It starts with the seconds 

    Then the minute 

    Then the hours 
  • Evil

    Hear no evil

    See no evil

    Speak no evil

    If we choose to hear no evil then how will we know if we’re speaking evil

    If we see no evil how do we know what evil is