


16 years old


  • Your Best is Good Enough

    Thank you for trying. You weren't perfect, or I guess you aren't perfect, but you did your best and that's the best anyone can do. You made mistakes, but that's okay because mistakes are just an opportunity for growth.
  • Fester's Thumb

    When the residents of the small town of fester's thumb woke up that Saturday morning in late march, they could not have possibly imagined the wreckage that had been laid to their town the night before.
  • My Father's Hands

    My father's hands are rough with ridges, deep as the valleys bridging the rolling green mountains he now calls home. Each wrinkle is a different story, that he has told as he folds the pages of books, and tucks me into bed.
  • The Day Two Oceans Meet

    When two oceans meet, 
    What do you think they say to each other?

    For their entire lives they have raged on, side by side,
    Never touching.

    They wash up onto the same shores, 
    Share the same neighbors.