


19 years old


  • Shy Girl

    She is invisible
    watching the world
    with her big blue eyes
    from behind a curtain
    of white-blonde hair
    She never speaks
    except to apologize 
    in a quiet voice
    that is easily
  • Reach

    If only I could reach a little farther

    then I could finally pull away the clouds

    I'd fill the days with sunshine and laughter

    and maybe then the world would smile again

    If only I could reach a little farther
  • Skinny

    I have been skinny for
    as long as I can remember
    I know I'm skinny because
    people have always told me so
    You're so skinny
    You're so tiny
    Oh my goodness,
    you're so small

    Almost every person I've met
  • Years

    In the process of growing up 
    there comes a moment
    when you finally realize 
    how short a year really is

    Sometime around the
    end of middle school
    you count out the years
    and see that college
  • Falling Asleep

    My body is exhausted
    but my brain is wide awake
    reminding me of all the things
    that I need to do tomorrow
    and all the things
    that I didn't do today

    My brain makes up stories
    as I wait for sleep to take me