


15 years old


  • screaming underwater

    The verses of how everyone treats her like she's
    etched between endless lines of
    we've finally granted your request, finally respected what you're okay with
  • nighttime rituals

    you know the days have become none less
    than dully excrutiating when your instinct
    beckons you to dread the sunrise.
    that's why i favor the hour
    and hours beyond
    when the glowing giant of the sky
    ducks beneath the mountains
  • Curfew

    There are three
    trees in the meadow.
    One is short and
    wide, coarse and
    old. One is quiet in
    lichen, tall and
    fair. One is sprightly and
    smooth, still a bit
    green. The old one's
    branches gray, and she
  • words

    i haven't written in a while.
    if my life were a painting, it would be abstract and vague,
    a mess of indecipherable lines and splotches, and
    i'm afraid that if i let words flow, i'll forget metaphors ever existed,