


15 years old


  • Records

    From the wall, I pull a thin slice.
    And slide the shining circle of vinyl from it's case. 
    I pop it on, and the record player begins to spin, 
    The needle glides over the ridges, and the notes sound,
    But I can't relax,
  • Hover

    Don't hover around me,
    Cause there won't be a drawing in the end if you watch,
    The slow graceful lines make me look like i'm not sketching.
    They make me look like I'm working on a masterpeice,
    Untill you shake the table that is.
  • November

    Sitting alone, next to the woodstove,
    John Klemmer's music making me chill.
    It reminds me of slow, slow,
    November nights,
    Doing pages of homework,
  • Cooking in Spanish class

    I've never seen anyone 
    Fight over a knife,
    Quite like those three,
    Just to say, ha, it was our turn to cut.
    I mean of course it's the best part,
    But why is is so damn important,
    To cut an avocado? 
  • And you

    It's the only song,
    I will sing,
    With all my heart,
    And you are not going to stop me. 
    And it's so true.
    And you,
    And youuuuuu...
    And I only know 5 lines,
    So let's put them on repeat,