


16 years old


  • All day long

    All day long people coming up to me
    Telling me their sercrets and their crushes
    Passing me notes
    Telling me I'm the only one who understands
    Telling me I'm the one they trust
    All day long
  • Friends

    Friends are the best
    They listen to you even if you talk for hours
    They always have your back 
    There always there for you
    Friends are the best
    They know when your sad and cheer you up
    They care about you
    They help you
  • Maskless

    Everyone is SO excited about getting the vaccince...but does anyone else realize it has not been tested enough to know the side affects? You could literally get the vaccince then die in a year because of UNKNOWN side affects. 
  • Words

    Words surround me
    Nice and mean
    kind and cold
    Building me up
    and breaking me down
    Most people's words would try and
    Break me down
    But my friends words would build me up
    Words can make you smile or cry or die
  • To My Mom

    You are always there for me

    Through fights and bad times

    To smiles and sunshine

    You always love me

    Even when im rude and annoying

    I know that you’ll be there for me

    Always and forever
  • Music To Me

    I love music
    Music combines two of my passions:
    Singing and dancing
    I like dancing and swaying to the beat
    And singing to songs with my bff
    Music reminds me of rain
    I love both of them
    Rain can be loud or quiet