


16 years old


  • My Name

    My name is Flowergirl12300
    I chose it for a reason
    Flowers are unique 
    Each and everyone 
    Is unique in their own way
    So am I 
    Flowers are bold
    They rise up above the grass and shine
    So do I
  • You Are

    You are awesome
    You are beautiful
    You are smart
    Don't let people think you arent
    You are brave 
    You are unique
    You are amazing
    Don't let people think you arent
    You are one-of-a-kind
    You are special
  • They Think

    They think im just a shy baby
    They think I'm stupid
    They think I have no feelings
    But they dont understand
    They think I'm quiet
    They think I'm weird
    They think I dont hear them whisper
    But they dont understand
  • Recurring Dream

    Ive had this recurring dream for years. I'll tell you about it. I was walking on some random island by myself and worring about my best friend, she had been gone for days and she never told me she was going anywhere.
  • Wolves Eyes

    I look around
    Feeling so helpless
    As my pack runs
    We run from our home land
    As the tree's rip out of the ground
    As the wind whips us around
    As the ground shakes
    Like giant paws pounding the ground
    Thunder roars at us
  • The Storm

    Thunder rolls 
    lightening strikes
    Rain beats down hard trying to drown everything out
    Power lines rattle in the harsh wind
    The thunder get louder and louder
    demanding attention
    Cars slide on the wet road