


17 years old


  • Growing Up

    When did 
    my greedy paws 
    start feeding my brother and sister? 

    When did 
    my elders fables 
    revamp from boring to brilliant? 

    When did 
    I stop wailing to the world 
  • So This is Your Life

    So this is your life now? 

    Like a pill? Hard to take and even harder to swallow? 

    Sharp like a blade and quick to draw blood? 

    Blood red like your harsh lipstick that burns in the light? 
  • Louie and the Boy

            Louie saw the boy walk up the bayside towards him. Not this little shit again he thought. All Louie wanted was some peace and quiet by the bay, but this kid had to swoop in and disrupt him every damn day.
