


17 years old


  • golden (moldering)

    Note: I kind of forced myself to write this poem, because I've been super busy with school starting and homework, and I haven't been able to write as much as I want to. 

    i’m in love with the moon
    and the stars
  • Reddening

    you got a sunburn on 
    the first day of grade school. 
    strawberry juice ran down 
    our sticky fingers, 
    our ruby eyes blindfolded. 
    we were endless then. 

    you traveled to scarlet, rocky mountains
  • My heart

    my words only come out in
    sudden fits of passion,
    and then they’re

    maybe i know the feeling too well—
    my empty chest beats silently
    ever since the sun rose. 
  • Rain

    Today is a day for
    soup and 
    for English accents and cups of tea. 
    It's a day for
    wet roads 
    and grey skies.

    The little girl who lives next door 
  • lavender and rosemary

    long forgotten childhoods 
    buried in cricket-chirping nights
    come out in my dreams. 
    beneath the rose and strawberry bushes
    lie the rinds of half-eaten watermelon slices. 
    foggy windows follow summer thunderstorms,
  • a mountain town

    the creaking of the car 
    reminds me of snow-trodden
    and wind that burns your face.
    log cabins 
    and grey lakes
    are too bittersweet 
    for my taste.
    towering pine trees
    and crackling fires