


17 years old


  • The Man In the Moon

    The sky is flecked with
    golden stars.
    Cream-colored stones splatter
    the bark ground,
    and I balance on my padded feet
    as I walk across the bridge
    made of a single tree trunk. 
    My toes grip around strips of leathery
  • Origami Hearts

    I swim in pitch black seas,
    flaming stars dotting the depths. 
    The seeds of figs slowly creep
    into trees of metal
    and stone leaves. 

    Eyes became dim,
    recognition hazy, 
    minds foggy
  • A Dreamer

    She hoards little bottles of 
    on the shelves of her kitchen,
    each drowning in its own scent —
    cinnamon, mint, tulip, basil, berry. 
    Her sets of blue and white china
    are stored in dusty 
  • Jupiter's Moons

    I want to reach for Jupiter's moons,
    and I'll pour honey into the empty
    of coconuts. 
    It doesn't seem impossible 
    to grab a fistful of black sand
    from the bottom of the ocean. 
  • A List of Before

    If I were to create a list of things that remind me of laughter and childhood,
    the list would be too long,
    but I wish it would never stop. 

    I miss visiting New York in autumn, 
  • Lemon Poppyseed Bread

      The first thing I notice is the smell of lemon poppyseed bread. Well, that and the thought that sweat is rolling down my fur. I'll smell in a few minutes, I know, if I don't get out from under this abandoned paper bag and move around.