Be a woman (letter from society)
Be a woman
don't wear baggy clothing
look attractive
don't be tempting or seducing or sexy; men can't help themselves.
Be a woman
keep your head high
speak your voice and your mind -
I am floating in an ocean of tears
trying to not melt & fade away
become one with everyone else
when a boat comes along
i know they're different
i know they're not meant to be ere
& yet they are -
A Village On the Coast of Nowhere (The Wayward Traveller)
Their lamps constantly flickering –
begging for someone
to stop by
and say hello,
acknowledge their existence.
The houses are small and
squashed together,
but no one feels discomfort. -
what being a teenager in today's society feels like
how do you write a story
when the words just aren't there
or they're out of reach
floating above your head-
fingers skimming the bottom of them
every time you try to jump back in control-
but they tease you -
do you ever get the feeling
where your body goes completely still
your mind completely silent
nothing feels quite right –
similar to dysphoria but in a way more intense
and you just sit or stand