


19 years old


  • Unknown

    I'm worth the trouble of unknowing,
    this is what I've learned through life,
    I'm worth every memory forgotten,
    every stone that's turned again,
    Dementia of the times before,
    a good nights sleep in bed.
  • Remember

    There are some things in this world,
    that cannot be bought or borrowed,
    they cannot be waived or waivered,
    it is impossible to break or steal them,
    And they will never be lost.
    There are things that cannot be found elsewhere,
  • They Know

    They know something that I do not.
    They know how to walk the way that they do,
    talk in the way they're supposed to.
    They are appropriate and fair,
    they are balanced and worthy,
  • To Do:

    I began to create a list,
    to wash my hair,
    and make some food,
    and clean the car,
    to take the trash out,
    water the plants,
    sweep the floor,
    and bake.

    Then I carried out these tasks,
    I washed my hair,
  • Journey

    If only someone were to know me,
    it would be better to feel known,
    then know that no one would ever get close. 

    I trust in my journey,
    but it feels that mine was left behind,
    in a town that only caused me pain.

  • Written

    It's funny the way that I write,
    midnight on my lowest days,
    as if this pain holds me accountable,
    as if it pushes me to feel where I can not,
    it's when I close my eyes and pray for the solace in this world,