I turn fifteen in exactly sixteen days. That, in and of itself, is terrifying. Difficult to explain, really, but I am a writer — that is my job — to explain, to entertain, to engage. -
I Despise
This essay was incredibly difficult to write, and especially difficult to publish. Not because it's problematic to me--it isn't--but I am incredibly shy about it. -
The best kind of freedom
I suppose the best kind of freedom can be found in listening to old records, sitting alone in your room, a cool drink in hand, book open in your lap. -
For now
I miss an incredible amount of people. Those who have left me, and those that I have left.
I have forgotten just how difficult it is to leave someone. It really tears you apart, I think, and will stick with you for such a long time. A boy I know, who I did—and still do—consider my first boyfriend, broke my heart. Repeatedly.
Inauguration Day Thoughts
It's 9:27 P.M. I'm sitting alone, in my bed, and my head is racing.