


18 years old


  • please

    let me out of this flower stem prison 
    pull me out of this pit of hardened metal 
    set me free from the bars of hatred that surround me
    that consume me 
    help me please i beg of you
  • Paper

    the sound of the many sheets of paper
    being stacked
    and unstacked
    and sorted 
    in the endless cuebicles that surround me
    inside the filing cabinet confines of my brain 
  • if my mind were a suitcase

    spiky with bright green fuzz
    and a beautiful leather handle
    papers spilling out the sides 
    and large brass buckles half undone 
    a smear of dark orange paint on the bottom left corner
  • messy

    life before
    was a light purple
    mildly gray 
    with a splash of color and light
    spread across everything 
    in a cascade of normality 
    and listlessness
    a few speckles of other colors 
    here and there 
  • Undo.

    the breath of the world
    in and out
    the sea foam cresting
    as the gulls above 
    cry out 
    and the fish bellow
    swim relentlessly 
    and vast
    this great body is