


18 years old


  • memories

    the refracted light
    bouncing around the room
    and bright
    aboard our ship of roof shingles and sunshine
    as we sail across a sea of smiles
    and the scent of blueberry muffins
  • Silence

    S hattered, falling apart in the nothing
    I mmobilized by the lack of joy, frantic searching everywhere but to no evail
    L istlessly staring into the empty face in the mirror hoping, but doing nothing
  • House and home

    Let the warmth 
    of knowing you're safe
    and sound
    wrap around your shoulders like a soft blanket.
    Let the gratitude for your place in this world
    and the knowledge that no matter what
    you will have a home
  • tropical

    sun shines on the vibrant green leaves
    casting shadows
    in the humidity
    throwing yourself into the waves
    and letting the water suport your weight
    the sound of seagulls in the distance
    and the taste of coconut on parched tongues