


18 years old


  • numb

    tears that stain more than just my pillows
    my pride is warped from the moisture of my eyes
    and crumbling are the deffenses that once stood so tall
    the floor seems a friend waiting to embrace my tired body
    as i fall backwards
  • anger and regret

    like the flames that turn whatever may touch them
    to ash
    like a song with an intense beat
    like the thin line of color on the wing of a bird
    or the marker that i used so much
  • inwardly.

    the excitement 
    that flows through my veins
    coursing through every limb at the speed of light
    until. ... .
    it stops
    and the fear 
    that follows me like a shadow
  • My Dear Art,

    (heavily inspired by golden_eagle's post "My First Love" thank you to them for that wonderful bit of insperation!) 
    my first love
    was art
    the colorful smudges of restaurant crayons on paper napkins