


18 years old


  • girl with the hazel eyes

    lyrics of devotion
    spilling from these lips of blue
    like tides drifting in and out
    your non interest strangling me
    oh what a thought
    an ocean of words to describe you 
    and me just floating on the surface
    pen in hand
  • confusing, scary, lonely, hopeful

    people rushing around
    looking for things they know aren't there
    but praying desperately that they will find them anyway
    facts jumbled and mixed up
    with rumors 
    and numbers I look at with disbelieving eyes
  • not right now.

    i just want to collapse on the floor
    and drown myself in all the words
    that pour out of me 
    and wrap me up in their meaning
    suffocating me in the silence
    pain i can't fix with medication 
  • this world as I see it

    this world is built on pain
    and hurt
    and the harsh animalistic natures
    of equally harsh and cruel people
    and hope.
    this world is built on the broken shards of old things
    patched together with love
    into something new
  • faded sweater

    the rain taps against my window
    and the heater next to my bed hums along
    as the cloud filtered light from the overcast sky 
    comes peeking through my closed blinds

    I hug my faded sweater closer