


18 years old


  • random nonsense silly

    the words fall into place
    to create possible paths for my story of lines
    i could chose the paved road of subtle rhymes
    or continue onward on my route of senseless gibber jabber
    linked by hazy memories
  • prompt my teacher gave me

    my teacher gave me this prompt to list 5 to ten "crowds" of people you are in, and the same amount that you are not in, and this was my finished list

    crowds im in:
    mismatched sock crowd
    art crowd
    anime crowd
    writing crowd
  • small child

    the small child 
    who sat in the window 
    nobody to play with 
    and no new books to get lost in 
    who often was lonely 
    and shy around new people
    who hid when things scared them 
  • arising from the rubble.

    among the ashen remains 
    the smoking rubble 
    the broken dreams
    she slowly 
    her head is full of memories
    things she can't define
    blurry photos 
    of unknown people stare into her mind
  • wondering. . .

    I miss those times
    We sat on the roof
    But not in the way I wanted
    I wanted your hands in my hair
    And my lips on yours
    I wanted friendship that had evolved into something more
    I wanted safety