


18 years old


  • who you are

    (an mildly exagerated truth of my life) 

    bubbles float around your head
    is what you think 
    but what you fail 
    to see
    is in this twisted 
    there is no meaningless
  • today

    was spent falling on my butt
    in the snow
    my feet strapped onto a hard plastic board
    hair in my face
    wind in my soul 
    and the biggest grin
    thats spread across my chapped lips in a while 
  • Dead Crayola Marker

    The pain, and the using
    The endless torture of being slowly dragged across the paper,
    feeling my color drain from my body
    and the knowledge that when its all gone, they will toss me out,
    calling me a peice of trash.
  • Give me wings

    "Hey, don't bother, I would do anything for you." I say, tucking the insufficient blanket under her chin

    "Mm" she says, snuggling her head into my shoulder, "what, what if I wanted to fly?"