The Binary Code
The binary code is plastered everywhere
from the billboard of the new romance movie
to the books that have shaped our history.
The binary code is ingrained in our heads
as we see the magazines,
After All of This
It's only February
and look at this world.
I want to know if we'll
get through all of this.
And on the other side,
will I still be standing,
i hate valentine's day:
i used to be a hopeless romantic
and maybe that's why i want to hide
in a corner, staying unnoticed.
i love valentine's day:
i used to love chocolate box
tootsie pops
"What's your favorite flavor?"
My dad hands me an array of lollipops:
Blue, pink, purple and orange,
And I instinctively go for the orange one.
i wish that you could read this
I'll stop staring,
I'll stop caring,
I'll stop texting you,
I'll stop hoping you'll like me too.
There's no point in staring if you don't meet my gaze,
From Poetry Class...
We had to write a poem about an animal
in poetry class the other day,
And I didn't know what topic to choose,
so of course I wrote about you:
A bee flies in front
of my window,
If I could
(Inspired by Astronomy by Conan Gray)
I'd walk you out if I could
Open and close the door ever so gently
Hold your hand as we slowly say goodbye
The March On
Pretend I am alright,
act like I’m just fine.
Wonder if you see the battle march
in every step I stride.
Pretend I am alright,
Despondence Note
I’m sorry I got that question wrong.
I’m sorry I can't move on.
I’m sorry I'm not smarter.
I’m sorry I couldn't be stronger.
I’m sorry how I take on as much as I can
summers before
I haven’t been to upstate New York since I was ten years old and we drove away from our house there without looking back.