


19 years old


  • My Winter

    The final leaves falling from the trees 
    It’s amazing how happy someone can get 
    With this strong winter breeze 

    Feeling like a dragon
    When you can see your breath 
    Watching out for black ice
  • It

    I wake up, eyes adjusting to the darkness

    I see it there standing in the corner

    Its black 15 foot tall body hunched against the wall

    Then it gets closer, arms dragging against the floor

    Until it's right next to my bed
  • The Change.

    Skin stretching
    Heart beating
    Body forming 
    Hair growing 
    Back rounding
    Claws growing
    Knees collapsing
    Body convulsing
    Teeth sharpening
    Face shifting
    Heart steadying 
    Mane blowing
  • The White Bunny

    I wake up, where am I? The last thing I can remember is closing my eyes to go to sleep, and now I seem to be in some sort of clearing. My breathing intensifies making me dizzy as I try to find some logic to the situation I’m in.
  • The Colors of Hiking

    Rustic Cabin Red

    Lets you know you’re at the top

    Fungi Orange 

    The color of mushrooms that run along trails 

    Sunflower Yellow

    The color of the bee’s happy place

    Mossy Rock Green 
  • The Risk of Life

    A little girl comes in from being shot by a rifle at the playground, we get her into the room. 

    The bullet didn’t go through luckily or else she would have died.
    She's bleeding out we need to act fast