The White Bunny

I wake up, where am I? The last thing I can remember is closing my eyes to go to sleep, and now I seem to be in some sort of clearing. My breathing intensifies making me dizzy as I try to find some logic to the situation I’m in. Nothing is making sense at all, nothing fits together, how, and why am I here. As I start to panic my breathing becomes loud, and fast, some animals from the woods around me seem to be gathering, a white bunny touches my leg and brings me to my senses. I need to calm down if I want to get out of here, I try to steady my breathing I realize that my head is throbbing, not with pain, but it's as if some voice is urging me to go on. Without thinking my body starts to move on its own. I’m walking farther into the clearing without even thinking about what I’m doing, it seems to be getting thinner and thinner. I keep walking unsure of what's to come, unsure of what this longing feeling in my chest is. As I keep walking I enter a thick layer of trees at the end of the clearing, I want to stop, because I’m scared, but my body is telling me otherwise. The trees start thinning out and suddenly stop, my legs do to. I’m standing at the peak of a tall cliff, it looks bottomless. I hear a sound in the woods behind me and I whipped myself around a little too aggressively, I started to lose my balance and fall backwards, the last thing I see before falling was the cause of the sound, the little white bunny from before. I awake again, this time the feeling of falling woke me up. I look around and I’m back in my room, was it all a dream, it must have been. I look at my clock, 5:00 am, I get up and walk downstairs for a glass of water. While I’m getting water, I look up out the window, staring back at me is the bunny from my dream, I close my eyes and shake my head, I must be insane. I opened my eyes again and the bunny is gone, I’m definitely insane.




19 years old

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