Sad Winter Trees

The trees are bare now,
the colored leaves decorate the cold dirty ground. 
They fly in the wind with every passing car,
these leaves crunch under the walking person's feet.

The lengthy branches sit naked, 
some with an old dingy rope attached, 
with a sad swing below. 

The trees wait to be climbed, 
for the bite of the winter air ruins the fun. 
Some sit untouched and unwanted, 
as others get used for syrup. 

The trees sit now, 
discolored and sad. 
The trees look fragile now,
They look dead and as if any wind could knock them over.

These same trees and leaves get coated now in a thin frost layer,
this layer disappears with a touch of a finger,
this layer is only temporary, 
for soon they will be drowned in snow. 



19 years old

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