


18 years old


  • Last Day

    Space doesn’t have oceans, mountains, and roads. So if it is the last day on earth I would spend it going to some of my favorite places or places that aren’t in space. The first thing I would do is go and pick up my friends.
  • Fall

              Summer is over and fall is upon us. Fall in Vermont is filled with pumpkins carved into shapes of cats, witches, and faces, corn mazes that take all day to travel through.
  • Winter

    It was the day after it had rained, and the ground was covered in ice. Just a typical winter morning in Vermont. Most people would be inside watching a movie with hot chocolate. Not my family!
  • The Maze

              Every turn and bend looks the same. It's getting darker by the second. What to do, what to do. No one in sight. You're all alone. Doesn’t that sound like a good horror movie, as long as you aren’t in it.