Doesn't, Shouldn't, Won't Change Me
Short hair,
A t-shirt and shorts,
Shouldn’t change me from feminine
To “buddy,”
And being a girl
Shouldn’t erase the sports I’m good at,
Words Slipping Through My Grasp
There are words
Begging to be typed,
That want to pour from my soul,
Who’s only mission
Is to be read,
No One Needs Your Sea
No one needs to hear your jokes,
Your remarks or your sneers,
No one needs to be pushed under
By the sea that you've filled
With the laughs that you've drawn
From ignorant thoughts,
To Wander Within Your Reach
Every day is new,
All because of you.
You brought me this world,
And were there for every journey,
Every step and every chapter,
The Person I Want to Be
There is a person I want to be:
A strong person,
Someone who can stand up for herself
And others,
Who can increase her grit,
Who can push through the worst,
And always stand tall;
Not Such a Daunting Task
I remember the day I met you,
The day I didn’t want to,
The moment our parents forced us together,
The second I took a look at you.
Your blond hair was to your chin,
I Promise You
I promise you I care
This I know for sure.
I promise you I’m here
Just maybe not to stay.
I promise you I’m fine
Just in my own way.
I promise you I’m trying
I swear I always have been.
Silent Thoughts
To be chosen.
That's all I wish for—to be someone's first choice.
I watch from afar, lost in a sea of the bittersweet feeling
As others are always chosen first, but never me,
the pin
i roll off from the table
landing in a box filled with hay
finally, i think
i’ve found my rightful place
then i look around
the strings of hay
entangling themselves
i bend myself to fit them
a dream, swirling in my tired mind, a sequence of letters makes a word.
my brain aches, an onslaught of countless words and numbers.
Get up, grasp the dream, make it out.
Get up, identify it!
Get up!
Get up!
There should be a word
For ages thirteen through seventeen.
There should be a word
Like childhood or adulthood
That describes
Being a teenager.
Adolescence is one, yes
But it doesn't fit.