


14 years old



  • pajama pants & regret

    i wore brightly patterned pajama pants today

    because it was blue-and-gray-go-wolves spirit week at school and

    they fit the whole cartoonish hearts theme. you

    wore black sweatpants and your favorite blink-182 shirt,

  • romantic

    i hate valentine's day:

    i used to be a hopeless romantic

    and maybe that's why i want to hide

    in a corner, staying unnoticed. 


    i love valentine's day:

    i used to love chocolate box

  • Remembering Snow Days

    This piece is a textual representation of what I was thinking this morning when I woke up to a snow day. My university classes are cancelled for today and it reminded me of what it felt like to be a kid on a snow day playing outside.

  • Where it’s Quiet

    Rain patters down on doorsteps 

    Houses, roofs and windows

    Every where it clatters down 

    Diminishing the rainbows 

    Houses moan and creek 

    Groaning with agony 

    Sidewalks take the pain