


18 years old


  • Weaving

    I take Saturday mornings with the smell of fresh bread and the sound of the rain hitting my roof. I weave together hot cocoa after long ski days and the gentle Touch of my mother after crashing my bike.
  • Weaving

    I take Saturday mornings with the smell of fresh bread and the sound of the rain hitting my roof. I weave together hot cocoa after long ski days and the gentle Touch of my mother after crashing my bike.
  • Relocation

    Death and destruction are the only things that have come out of earth for the past months. Now I have to make the choice of my death or their death.
  • Seasonal Hiking

     The sound of the creek gets softer as the trees get shorter and we near the peak of the mountain. The brusk fall air makes my body temperature stay low unlike the long, hot hikes of midsummer.
  • Vermont Winter

    Sneaking out all night with friends and watching the sunrise is now dark cold mornings before school

    The nice walk home from school becomes a sloppy dreaded trek
  • Brain Maze

    I run through a maze of thoughts and decisions everyday just to start a different one the next day. The walls close in as the day comes to an end, I have to make the right turns and the right decisions or I could mess up everything I worked for.