Sawyer Fell

Sawyer Fell


18 years old


  • 17

    Seventeen is shamelessly begging for an attempt at childhood
    after you have devoted each year since birth to the preparation
    of becoming a voice to be heard and ultimately reckoned with.
  • November

    There are so many dresses I have bought for events I will never
    be invited to, but I do not give them away just in case I am.
    I will bring home new hoodies knowing I will wear the same 
  • Teeth and Tongue

    Teeth tears through the enemy;
    searing past the layers, seizing 
    its dense core and shreds it.

    Tongue saunters the problem;
    suave in its protest against the
    brutal violence that is seen daily. 
  • Three-Hoofed Lamb

    Laying in the desolate corner of the pen
    a little lamb is curled safely beside her mother, 
    dreaming of all the vibrant flowers in the eastern
    field of the shackled barn further down the hill.
