Scarry Night

Scarry Night


16 years old


  • Tangerine Moon

    One night,
    one sweet,
    silent night,
    I looked up at the sky.
    I saw stars,
    brighter than ever,
    and the moon.
    On that night,
    as I lay in bed,
    my eyes threatening 
    to close,
    threatening to darken the world
  • When I Think of Spring

    March 1st.
    The time has almost come,
    when animals,
    will awake from their slumbers. 
    The time has almost come,
    when honeybees will 
    dance around the flowers,
    making me inch so shyly away.
  • Those Summer Days

    Those summer days,
    when my sister and I 
    played tag outside. 
    Those summer days,
    when we sat in the grass,
    watching the trees.
    Watching them sway,
    watching them dance,
    to the wind.
  • Those Who Don't

    There are so many lives,
    so many stories,
    of those who love,
    those who laugh. 
    There are so many people who
    decide to do good 
    and become known. 
    So many people who have 