


YWP Instructor


  • Hope

    Future is bright
    New ideas are blossoming out
    To the world

    People become blind 
    To the ideas not theirs
    Not knowing consequences

    But now eyes 
     Open, seeing, mad no more
  • Hope

    Hope is to  leave and hope is to stay  
    Hard work is the way for hope the next day 
    Hope is what can carry you and should not be delayed  
    You will think of hope and keep despair at bay   
  • Hope

    In the future, I hope to start a goat farm somewhere in Castleton. I also want to help my cousin Ariana in Milton with her diner, tattoo and yoga place. I might start a bakery somewhere between Milton and Castleton too.
  • Possession

    My English saddle is my favorite possession. If I could, I would live in the black leather saddle. It's comfortable to jump and gallop because it fits me. The saddle is important to me because I love horses and I love to ride.
  • Nature

    Sun rising

    Birds chirping

    Rivers flowing

    Trees swaying

    Wind winding

    Bees buzzing

    Sun setting

    Sky blackening

    Stars twinkling

    Owls hooting

    Moon glowing

    Me looking