


YWP Alumni Advisor


  • Ray of Sunshine x3

    I’m a cosmic explosion
    Red carpet at my feet
    I glide along a crystal lake 
    Listen as a speak,
    Because my knowledge is impeccable
    My spirit is electric,
    My confidence is soaring high
    Some say that its eclectic.
  • My midnight rant

    I know that I’m lucky,
    I know that I’m blessed
    For the billions of things that I have, and yet,
    I’m going to do it –
    I’m sorry I must –
    Life is annoying, I’m making a fuss.
    In these strange times

  • Papillon

    I’d like to be a butterfly
    And drunkenly flap around
    Intoxicated on nectar and pollen.

    Flitting from one flower to another
    Resting to show off my wings.
    Dancing atop a flower petal.

    Do you like them?
    My wings I mean.
  • Vibranium Queen

    Inspired by Maya Angelou's Poem 'Still I Rise'

    I've been stomped on
    Trod on, beat down, turned 'round
    And my hands can barely take more cracks
    As my blue veins have turned orange
    But no matter.

    I'll rise.
  • Our Promise

    I love you too much to argue with you
    I like you too much to be mad
    I accept you too much to quarrel with you,
    I'm here in the good and the bad.
    Each piece of my heart is a gift for your soul
    Each smile a gratitude sign.
  • The Cosmic Machine

    crystal wires cant be cut
    by pliers, only crystal dust
    concocted from the moon itself
    transported by cosmic shelves.
    Diamons fences can't be broke
    by lazers, only emreld bows
    And pulled by magma strings and silk


  • Bug

    Contrary to popular belief, I’m not a bug, at least, not a common pest like moths or ladybugs, or god forbid spiders. I’m graceful, or as graceful as your children’s book describes me, and I have class.

  • Haunting Hands

    As the Cold feeling Spreads 

    Sends Shivers down the Spine 

    The Fear and Worry Pushes Through  


    But in this Frigid touch 

    Is the sense of Remebrance 

    The Sense of Love  

  • Dancing Leaves

    Its Hard to Resist

     When Seeing a Pile of Leaves 

    It Becomes irresistible  


    Jump into the Heep 

    Leaves are swirling

     The Pile is no more 


  • As the Crow Lands

    As the Crow Lands on the Grave- 

    Black secrets stir in every face; 

    A fountain in the moonbeam riven— 

    Spend her gone like an adversity.  


    The Graves began to Multiply