


17 years old


  • You’re Gone

    Where have you gone?

    I search your gaze
    Clinging to the hope
    That the girl I know
    Is hiding below the surface

    Yet sometimes hope 
    Is just a waste of energy 


    Listen closely...

  • I Don’t Understand

    Page empty
    Mind whirling 
    Words are plentiful
    Yet why can’t I seem
    To figure out
    What to write?

    I don’t understand 
    This drought I’m going through
    I yearn for a story
    To flow from pen to page
  • Fight Of The Fittest

    It’s okay to cry
    Is what I have heard

    Sometimes it’s good to release
    The overflowing lake
    Of built up emotions 
    That threatens to flood my life

    I used to agree
    But not anymore

    Every tear that I release
  • Never Again

    One month,
    Thats how much time I have wasted.
    As I sat watching TV
    Boredom taking its toll
    My pen’s ink was drying.
    Lack of use was affecting it.
    I stared at blank pages
    Before putting them away
  • Eternal War

    A heart
    Is but an organ,
    Pumping blue blood
    Throughout thy veins.

    Yet somehow,
    It is more
    Than just another part
    Of our bodies.

    For a heart harbors
    Emotions, feelings and passion
  • Love Not Hate

    This is not justice. 
    This is dishonorable.
    Look at the way you alter
    George Floyd’s legacy
    It has now become one of violence
    And crime

    I know you are hurting
    Feeling the life crumbling pain