Yellow Sweater

Yellow Sweater


YWP Alumni Advisor


  • Interdependency

    Moving through water 
    one is very aware 
    of one’s toes, 
    aware of the space between them. 

    The slew smell, 
    the willow trees,
    the boat sliding by, through, and in, 
    all fit together. 
  • Zinnia

    Scattered about the house are bouquets of Zinnias.
    I collected them over my birthday weekend. 

    I am called Zinnia. 
    And Zinnia has always been synonymous with me. 

    I grew up. 
    A precocious little girl
  • Faith, Untranslated

    The shade grew with the sun. Under the big thick leaves, the shade became solid. The line between insistent energy and gentle dark turned bold. I lay with her on the grass, exhausted. Dry tears hung in my eyes like long evaporated dew.
  • Invalid

    The wheat fields smelled like Chamomile.
    I dragged my feet through the dust. 
    The sun was as sharp as the wind was soft. 
    I walked on, 
    against my body, 
    the dead weight of my arms. 
    I even ran, 
  • Sagging

    I sit under a silver-barked tree, waiting for the rain to start again. The delicate yellow leaves tremble with the left-over weight of last night’s downpour. The tree is wet and tired and waiting for the next storm.
  • Blank Stationary

    We met in a stationary shop. He was toying with an exceptionally fine pen. I thought he had nice hands. They were strong, yet oddly delicate. I could see his thoughts twirling with the pen.