Opinion & Commentary

Photographer in blue t-shirt holds camera to face


There's a lot going on in the world. By expressing your opinion and sharing your commentary with YWP, you can begin to make sense of things, build a connection with others, and work toward positive change.

Our list of opinion challenges will keep growing along with the year's news and events. Your responses may be published in YWP's digital magazine and annual anthology and with our Vermont media partners. Your opinion matters! Find out more about opinion & commentary.

[Illustration by Tess LaLonde, YWP]


  • Writing


    How do you think the founding fathers would view the nation today? How do you view it?

  • Writing

    Work Goes On

    "The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die." Write, inspired by the eloquent and often-quoted speech by Democratic Sen. Edward Kennedy in 1980. 
  • Writing

    Favorite Quotes

    Poets, philosophers, songwriters, and members of our own families can provide the most quotable quotes. Brighten our day, enlighten us with your favorite quotes of wisdom, empathy, optimism, humor, and anything else that comes to mind! 

  • Visual Art

    Post-Election: Stars

    "Only when it is dark enough can you see the stars," Vice President Kamala Harris said in her concession speech. See the stars, YWP, and share them with your friends here. 

  • Writing

    Nov. 5 Election

    What do you hope for in the Nov. 5 election? Who do you want to become the next president of the United States? Write about it.

  • Writing

    Election '24–Women

    "Take our lives seriously," former First Lady Michelle Obama implored men at a rally for presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris. 


  • Writing


    News headlines can be distressing. Do you ignore? Discuss? Take action? Write about the way you or others around you respond to recent news.

  • Writing

    Election '24-President

    What do you want the next President of the United States to focus on, fix, change? Write to one or both major party candidates in the Nov. 5, 2024 presidential election with your appeal.

  • Writing


    In "Social Studies," a new documentary about the impact of social media, a teenage boy says, "It's up to us to figure out how we can still be people." What do you think of that comment? Does it reflect your own experience?