The Time I Flew

I was cold. I shivered up in my sheets and peeked out my window into the night. The moon was stone cold, making me shiver even more. I leaned back and my head hit the pillow, and I pulled the blankets over my head. I began to feel dizzy.

I felt like I was spinning and rising at the same time, and a million thoughts swarmed my head. I felt like I would burst. My eyes couldn’t see well, instead I felt like I was staring into the abyss of the night. A bright white light flashed in the corner of my eye, and in the midst of it all, I screamed.

My scream echoed out and echoed again and I found myself rising up higher, but I wasn’t sure where I was. I tried looking down, but it was dark. The only thing I could make out was the dark shadow of my house below me.

Was I floating?

Was I flying?

I kept soaring upward in the darkness, until it wasn’t dark anymore. It was bright instead, and I couldn’t see anything. So I closed my eyes and realized that I didn’t have to see anything. 

Because I was above it all. I was carefree and careless and nothing mattered. I felt myself rising and swaying in the calm breeze. And I was pleasantly warm. I was warm in the way that you feel when the sky is blue and you lay in the green grass and the sun comes from behind a cloud, hitting you with a beam of sunlight.

I kept floating forward and up until the fog cleared and I saw the sun, shining bright and warm. Looking down, I saw a white-sand beach spotted with palm trees and coconuts. The water sparkled in the light, a shimmering light-blue ocean of possibilities. 

I felt myself floating down, descending through the mist. I closed my eyes for awhile and soaked up the moment. Then my feet touched the sand. It felt soft and warm, and I started up a jog along the coast. The beach stretched out for a long distance before the turquoise water on one end a green jungle on the other. The ocean waves slipped against the white sand invitingly and I changed my direction to jog toward the waves.

Water touched my toes. It was perfect. Before long, I was up to my chest in the water and I began to swim. I swam for miles, leaving behind the beach and the jungle. I swam and swam. Eventually I saw another small island. It was only big enough to fit one house. Palm trees surrounded the house. A memory came back to me of trying to sleep in my house and being too cold. I remembered rising up and out of my worries and troubles and going to the peaceful beach. I climbed on to land and opened the door.

I wandered upstairs to my room and I got in my bed. I layed my head on the pillow and looked out my window at the dark sky and the bright moon. My eyes closed.

 I woke up. I was warm and cozy. For a split second I remembered a beautiful island beach. I would visit again someday. Again, in my dreams.



13 years old

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