Half winter, half spring.
It's like the seasons were cut in half
Severed at its ends
Last year, winter
was freezing cold.
Like how it
should be.
This year, it's
mid-60s all week
With little snow
and chilly winds
I remember grumbling
as I walked to school
in the morning
but that's not how it is
I miss seeing my
cold breath in the air
I miss the snow that
wouldn't melt for two weeks
I miss wearing my
coat all throughout winter.
It's spring too soon,
I thought on March 20th
But then spring too
was cut short
Now, it feels like summer
In March
Posted in response to the challenge Climate and Our Earth - Writing .
For real, it's kinda scary ngl
Where I live it's the opposite; right now it's super cold and snowy! Probably another effect of climate change, though.
interesting how it works...
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