4 Writing Prompts

Write a promt 2019-2020

1)  Write a story or poem starting with the phrase "I think its really funny how..." 

2) A new baby just came into the world. What words of wisdome can you tell this new bundle of joy to prepare them for the big wide world they are about to be apart of? 

3) Discribe music to someone who has never heard it before.

4) write a love letter. But, don't make it cliche. Think outside the box as to why you like and respect this person, as well as what quirks in their          personality make them so cute to you. 



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    I'd have to float to school in cars.
  • Frost

    Its fingers were hot
    and cold and
    sweet and dark.
    All at the same time.


    It whispered in her ear.
    Her petals shivered.
    Its breath ran slowly
    her stem and
    tickled a leaf.