
Being a kid is like a dream. 
You’re riding bikes 
and going on hikes in the park 
Nothing is holding you down 
‘Cept when the day frowns with rainy skies 
And you can’t stay out after dark.

And then being an adult, 
They say it’s a nightmare 
I wouldn’t know 
but taxes and parallel parking 
sounds like my demise. 

And then its adolescence, 
What I am,
A waning moon of childhood innocence 
But there’s red markings
on my test pages
making me cry,
Tears shining under bright fluorescence,
And no one cares what my age is

because I’m too young to understand
Too young to take a stand
Too old to be a child
Too old to be wild,

Too old, too young

Knots tied in my tongue
Because I’m stuck a teenager in a world
unmade for me.

I am not a speechmaker
I am not a peacemaker
Am not the line-bender between adult and child

I am a child, not yet grown,
I am an adult, not yet sewn
into perfect trialed shape.

No wonder I want everyone
to leave me alone.

Posted in response to the challenge Teenager: In Writing.



15 years old

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