The Bears are COMING

In the depths of winter,

in such dry weather,

I go out to get wood,

the cold biting my skin.


I wear gloves to prevent splinter 

made of fine, durable, and tough leather,

but in no reality could they have withstood

a sudden stampade of bears emerging from the trees in a sprint.

Yet defend I tried

because they were early 

and did not look friendly.

I couldn't stand aside.


Falling back, I helped my family to flee.

We warned our neighbors,

we spoke our prayers,

and ran as far as the eye can see.


"Something's wrong..." one of them said.

"Well of course something's wrong!" I throw my hands up. "Did you see what just happened? Bears, in the middle of winter, driving out humans!"

"No I mean, there's a reason they ran.

They looked pretty scared."



The next day we awoke

to the smell of smoke

and saw the whole forest

on fire

Posted in response to the challenge Bears.



16 years old

More by JayJay

  • It's Time

    I’m fine.

    I know I’m crying,

    but that’s normal.


    I’m just fine.

    I feel like I’m dying,

    but who doesn’t?


  • Go Ahead

    Hurt me a in million ways,

    and shatter my heart,

    then send me away

    with an open scar.


    Pull me in close,

    then rip us apart.

    Kill all my hopes

    to get what you want.

  • Keeping My Promise

    I promised you I would always stay,

    swore on a bond I thought would never break.

    Then came a time everything conflict

    but I meant every word, every bit of it.