The Best Summer

As the girls sit on the dock and watch the sun go down, they talk about how it's just the beginning of the summer and all the fun that they are going to have in the next three months. The two girls have one year left of high school and then they are off to college. The girls have been through everything. Ashley and Maya had known each other since the first day of kindergarten. Since then they have gone on trips, watched their parents go through divorce, and lost friends. Ashley looks at Maya and says, “I never thought we would have the chance to do this considering last month. I was holding you while you were in tears about your parents.” 

“I know we both have been through a lot but we are going to make it,” Maya said. 

The two girls had decided they were going to spend three months at Ashley’s aunt’s lake house, in northern Wisconsin, before their lives got any crazier. 

Ashley’s aunt was an interesting woman with lots of money and many houses. Ashely rarely saw her as she spent most of her time traveling in other countries.

    The girls got jobs waiting tables at night at the inn on the other side of the lake. They don’t want to spend all their time at work, but they can’t not work. 

    The next morning Maya wakes up Ashley to get their day started. Both the girls are fairly athletic; they play soccer, basketball, lacrosse and ski in the winter. The girls have to stay in shape for their sports seasons coming up so they have an exercise plan for the summer. The girls start the five mile run around the lake around 7:30 AM. 

They have many similar traits but they also have their many differences. Ashley loves to play sports but hates running. Maya, on the other hand, loves to run. School is another thing that comes to them. They both seem like the type to get whatever they want, but they both work very hard for what they have and what they get. 

“Why did you have to make this running plan? Summer should be funnnnn. Not spending all day running just to stay in shape for sports,” says Ashely. 

    “You know right well that coach wants us to be ready for this season, and besides, it's the last time we are going to have a chance at states for soccer in our lives. Some day you are going to thank me for pushing you so hard,” states Maya. 

    After a while of running they decide to take a quick break. At this point they are half way around the lake and they can see the house. Together they decide to go into the store and get water because they didn’t think to bring that with them and it is scorching hot outside. They go into the old country store. 

    “We never thought we would get to see you guys again,” the girls heard from the back of the store. Of course it was Mr. Pop’s grandson and his best friend. They two boys had talked to the girls when they first arrived at the lake. The girls had to be nice because without the boys they wouldn’t have got the jobs at the Inn. After talking for some time the girls insisted that they had to keep running. Once the girls got back to the house they jumped into the lake because, why not?

“You know, Maya, maybe this summer isn’t going to be that bad after all,” Ashley said. All of the sudden there was a loud car sound from the front of the house. Both of the girls rushed to see what had happened when they saw a red Mustang sitting in the driveway. 

“Come on! Let's go have some fun! Who cares about the laws?” To be continued…… 




18 years old

More by hfahey11

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