Black Fish Net Tights

Its been over a year.
An entire year since I met you and never saw you again.
And you've yet to leave my heart. 
And yet I can still picture your face.
Your presence that made my heart melt with something I've never felt before.
I'm distraught that I can not remember every detail of your outfit as I once could.
I don't remember what color shirt you had on,
A black leather jacket maybe? I'm not sure.
But, I do remember the black tights.
Because I've never seen a boy wear fish net tights,
With light blue denim jeans on top,
Bright green socks
And elegant black boots.
In the middle of February. 
I saw you standing in line, fifteen people in between
And I stared at how bizarre you dressed, to take the dreaded ACT.
Would the tights help you think? Did you have a photo shoot later? Was it a dare?
You on the other hand were a soft sort of confident.
The sheer confidence not in masculinity but in yourself. 
I sat right next to you. Accidentally.
I've memorized the curves of your face. Your head bent deep in concentration.
You bronze skin, impish grin, small nose, large brown eyes and soft lips.
A handsome brown mouse. Yes, its a compliment. 
Your mischievous smile that I was thankful to witness before the age of masks.
And the hair. Curly locks of brown that sprouted in every direction and yet were perfectly in place.
Is this what it feels like to let your heart thaw for someone?

Then we talked.
Actually you talked to me first and boy was I surprised the fish net wearing boy wanted to talk to me.
You stopped me in the hallway during the break
Man, you looked really confident in that math section!
You said. Impressed. Friendly. Respectful. 
I was? I asked. Because really- I wasn't.
And you laughed
You casually rocked one heel against the banister,
your arms draped around leisurely, your eyes looking at me. As if I were a smart, interesting person. 
I believed myself to be, but it was nice you did too. 
No boy had held my gaze with such honest eyes as you did.
And my heart, it danced with curiosity at the boy standing before me.
For you were the first boy that I found beautiful and easy to talk to.
You liked the science section of the test, which I loathed, so you may well have been just as bizarre as your outfit-
But I liked that. 
And in those few minuets I've ingrained you into my head.
I've copied and pasted your presence, your aura, so it never became a wisp of a memory.
The last thing you did was wish me good luck on the rest of the test. I said the same to you.

I didn't do well on the rest of the test.
I was too distracted by your bouncing knee, your nail bitting, your slight head nod when you understood a question,
I loved to feel your presence right beside me. It was new. It was warming. 
So how could I do well on the rest of the test
Because my head was filled with happy cotton clouds ... plus- the last sections were science. 
Then I bent to grab my water bottle and you were gone.
I haven't found you since.
But you've left such an impression that I'll likely never forget you
The boy in the black fish net tights
And a smile that melted my entire heart. 
I wonder what we've could have been. 
I hope you still wear those tights.



YWP Alumni Advisor

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