The Boy Who Caught the Wishing Star

Once upon a time, there was a boy. This boy, out of all the boys in town, had trouble reading. So, he asked the sky for help. He asked her, "Oh dear sky, whatever shall I do? I can't read." Then, with a miraculous beam of light, the sky sent him a shooting star to wish on. He ran to catch it, instead falling into the pond on the outskirts of the main road, with the shooting star. The water turned a luxurious gold, sparks and flames riding the light waves on top of the pond. The boy wondered if his life would end. But then the star, in the form of a beautiful maiden, told him; "You can read, but you have to believe in yourself, Aiden." And to this day, the sky still releases some of its stars to grant wishes.

Posted in response to the challenge Sky.



13 years old

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