


14 years old


  • okay

    i don't feel good

    i think i'm hungry

    'you feel fine'

    says the almost mute voice in the back of my head

    'this is normal'

    i guess it is

    i don't feel good

    i think i'm fat

  • Butter

    In my Gram's kitchen,

    behind the table,

    there is a butter barrel.

    One of those big wooden ones you would use in the 1950's.

    5 summers ago,

    my brother made butter in that barrel.

  • hope

    hope is a messy thing.

    it destroys all forms of happiness.

    but it lifts you up in your worst nightmares.

    I wish I could say hope is for everyone.

    but it isn't.

    in time,

    we evolved into 


  • Food Is in the Air

    The girl always sits right there at Table 5. 

    I am the boy who makes food without the order.

    I have always been able to do it.

    Know what people need to eat, I mean.

    Sunny, for instance, lost his mother.
