Break Up
The love people have for each other is real. But what do you do when you are broken? Torn to pieces? Consult in Steve 'The Hair' Harrington. He'll tell you to grow some nice hair that stands up 5 feet and adopt 4 middle school children.
Your Loneliness; Your Choice
People say that movies are scary
There is nothing scarier than those movies
They scream and wake up in cold sweat afterward
We are Most Likely To
We are most likely to act like someone we aren't.
We are most likely to be smarter than we look.
We are most likely to have everything we need but want more.
We are more likely to see a double rainbow than have peace.
Pandora's Cloud
I pondered the ways of life the day it was opened.
Would the big black cloud that pooled out of the clay pot they called
Kill us all?
Storm Window (Election night) — Nov. 5
The screen in my window’s still down —
no wonder it’s so cold up here.
You’d think I’d know better, a house this old, this time of year.
And here I thought I shivered for the stress,
Growing Beautifully Old
Because that is love,
when my beaten, wrinkled skin is still caressed by you,
and your gray smoky hair is my loving obsession.