The candle that makes dark retreat

When you’re gone I’ll think of every missed call

I’ll summon your sunny warmth and laughter

Without you, who will catch me if I fall?

Your stars always kept night lit long after


You are the candle that makes dark retreat

You’ll burn in my mind past the dying flame

To love you is to let in all your heat

Which has charred me when you had no aim


Does it get hard being keeper of light? 

When the love that you give leaves you empty handed

While in your bluest days you shone as bright

Did you restrain when darkness demanded?


I guess all we really have is today

How ever could I have wished time away?



14 years old

More by J_Kramer

  • Falling sky

    falling sky, slowly, piece by piece

    I've forgotten how to move, to breathe

    all the truth I've ever known begins to cease

    as I watch my world fall apart


    time is ticking, while holding still



    Big words jumping out at you from creased paper, casually thrown on the counter, demanding attention 

    Meaningless opinions coated in fallacies

  • Butterfly


    dew drips from a leaf

    a leaf that a little caterpillar walks on

    it will soon be transformed

    into a majestic pollinator

    its climbs to a branch on a small tree