Checking Boxes

By Adele deRosset

Food is a huge part of my life 

My mom has always taught me to love it
I'm always chop chop chopping with my knife
Food has always been something I covet 
My mom has  always taught me that there is no such thing as bad food

Only sometimes foods and all the time foods 

I learned to try everything even if I'm not in the mood 
She never makes comments on how much or little I eat 

Which has always made me feel sweet 
I have always fit the standard 

Which meant that sometimes I was slandered 

The mirror would tell me 

You're beautiful why are you not happy
I was always told
You must fit the mold 
But then I finally broke free

Food makes me happy
Why should I restrict 

The food that I love

 I would go above
Break free of the box fly even sore

I would not be brought down by body standards anymore




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