Come On

Come on,

just another step.


Come on,

just another breath.


Come on,

just another swallow

of the pain that makes you hollow.


Just one more sweet smile

another attempt to beguile.

Though I know it is pouring,

you need to keep going.


Do I have to be alone?


Say that you're fine

because you will be in time.

Keep your darkness inside,

cast your feelings aside,

because the hearts they could break

would be just too much to take.


She doesn't want me in her life...

Then we'll erase ourselves from view.


She doesn't care about what I have to say.

Then we'll find people who do.


It hurts

I know. I'm sorry.


I feel like I'm dying

I am sorry it has to be this way.


Take a drink,


resist the urge to scream, cut, and disassociate.


I don't know what to do...


Don't think.

Don't unglue.

Focus on what's in front of you.


If you feel yourself sink,

try to clear your mind

as your core beliefs become more maligned.


I can't do this anymore



you've been alone before.


there's a lot more to life

and you'll be 





You have to be.



16 years old

More by JayJay

  • Why I write

    I write to relate,


    and to speak my truth.

    I write to prove I know pain,

    and to see that others do too.


    I write to be heard.


    When the world becomes a deaf frustration,

  • Stuffies

    They're always there when I need them,

    they never run away.

    They're always here when troubles stem

    to hear what I have to say.


    They don't judge 

    or hold a grudge.